Playstation 3 the whole game world ever saw, as you know hack'lenmeye most durable tools. How many times a different hacking groups "hack'ledik, we have the solution, we have ISO work" so far as if the words come out all the fossa. Finally, the PS3 plays games, movies, music (even ones you download) is two to three times enktripte-dekripte, so that was presented to the user. Within the system, ways to intervene unless the official was like a closed box Playstation 3
Model does not distinguish, as well as Slim does not distinguish PSJailbreak.Model Fat'te works, it works both Slim and PSJailbreak Fat'te. Enlarge
I know you all are interested in tools Playstation 3 broke the story, but first I want to tell you a little. Between 2005-2007 a PSP if you are, you know, early in the PSP games from the memory card in ISO format with ISOLoader'lar work, as it is today that there was no issue of Custom Firmware. At that same time period in the Sony PSP, they want employees to install a firmware that is a battery, this battery tool developer mode (debug mode) would be told that it put. This situation is just a rumor at first, then take one of these batteries and replication was brought to reality and the magic PSP battery often has today been given the familiar name: Pandora's Battery. PSP with this battery can make all software open to change, you could take the firmware easily (or even 1:50 version of 'I ate it was possible to return). PSP homebrew'a these batteries, and "backup" helped to make use of completely open.
OK, I know, bored, "um, Playstation 3, late" you say. I want to connect that point: either one of them, this battery is the same for PS3, just a USB stick format, what would it be if captured? Let me tell you: It would be PSJailbreak (even now, even). PSJailbreak on PSP with the PS3 as the developer can switch it into and from the HDD to play games and you can activate. But how? OK, one of the pirates first thing that came to mind, or even most people will use this rough place, but I always forget what a man drives as I complete my HDD to throw the game library I know to say no.
Devices currently being sold for $ 140 and stocks over stocks in the hands of sites that provide even (only in the interpretations, "where we can get the" please do not ask, we may write the news but it's not so much). You must keep your hands if you want to take short, quick, though whether or not to Turkey I have no idea about. Also, if you want to use the tool should definitely changed firmware'inizi.
So why do you think they sell so expensive? The answer is very simple, actually. With the next firmware update, Sony will close this gap and to appeal after a while that a very small cutting tools, selling price is so high as it wants to sell as much as possible the element of profit. So this device after updating the field's probably not the next Sony, even according to the producers that there are possibilities PSN'den the ban. Worth the risk? I think not, but I know that some people will use, and a job to make a decision. I personally do not consider bringing this up is estimated to be short-lived benefits to your business whether you do not know anything. PS3 homebrew'un still a very good development because the open front. Yeah, yeah ...
Pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates pirates. Ulan said, oh man!
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